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Why Your Commercial Business Needs Panic Bars

Panic bars really do help to prevent the loss of life. If you are a business owner then this should be of particular interest to you. A panic bar is a simple bar that goes across an exit door. This exit door will easily allow people easy access out without interference from the outside. At Chanhassen Locksmith in Chanhassen, MN, our locksmiths will be able to provide you with a panic bar. It doesn’t really matter the type of business that you own or operate, every business can benefit from having panic bars installed. If there should ever happen to be an unforeseen event, such as a fire, anyone inside would be able to easily and quickly leave the building.

These particular bars were invented with the purpose of being able to save lives and they do a great job of doing so. Our locksmiths work with businesses of every type to get them what they need to help protect their customers. They have installed panic bars in thousands of businesses in the Chanhassen area. This is because most business owners see the advantage of having panic bars in their business. However, most of them are surprised to find out that this is something that our locksmiths are capable of handling for them. Locksmiths do more than replace locks, they can also help with your security needs. We consider panic bars to be a security feature since they save lives. Panic bars are installed on the interior of the door and prevent someone from the outside from coming in while people are exiting. It could be tragic if others were allowed to come in at the same time that others were trying to get out. It would actually be counterproductive to have this type of door if it still impeded the process of exiting the building.

A talented locksmith is able to give you what you need by properly installing your panic bars. If you have a commercial business and you don’t already have panic bars, why not get them today. It is highly encouraged for those businesses that receive a lot of customers to have these types of doors installed. If you want to avoid the liability associated from your customers being harmed while doing business with you, take precautions; get a panic bar. People will often start to panic if they feel trapped. Surely, without the presence of a door that they can quickly get out of, they will begin to panic. When one person begins to over-react, it causes others to do the same. Instead, if you can keep everyone calm, it is more likely that everyone will be able to vacate the premises safely. You’re in control of how you handle the situation so why not handle it in a professional and responsible way by having the appropriate type of exit doors installed. 

There are some business owners who will read this and still not feel compelled to have panic bars installed. Here are some additional things to consider about panic bars.

They offer added security – Like it was mentioned earlier, they give you additional security. Not in the sense of someone breaking in but in the sense of someone being protected from harm. Rather than investing in something that will not be of use to your customers, why not invest in a $100 panic bar that will help save their life. This has proven true when someone has come into theaters and tried to cause harm to those inside. With a panic bar in the front of the theater, patrons were able to safely escape to safety. Having this type of door can do the same for your customers should something like this happen to them.

Decrease in insurance premium – Yes, you read that correctly. Having panic bars may help reduce the amount of insurance you pay every month. Some insurance companies will see this as a win-win. You win because you are paying less and they win because with the installation of panic bars, you prevent anyone from being harmed. This means that the insurance company wins because they don’t have to pay out. 

Effective – There would be no need for them if they were not effective. They have proven to be so effective that OSHA now makes it mandatory for certain business establishments to have them installed. If they do not then they will face penalties. Avoid the penalties by having the right type of safety door installed today.

You have options – Some people will avoid having a panic bar installed because they automatically assume that they won’t be able to afford them. This should really be the least of your concerns considering you have options. You can choose the type of panic bars you have installed on the cost you’re willing to pay. Your bars can be installed horizontally or vertically. They also come in different sizes. The choice is up to you.

Unfortunately, there were incidents in the past that caused concern for the public safety. Some tragically lost their lives because they were trapped inside and couldn’t safely escape. If there was a panic bar, chances are that no one would have lost their life. When you do not have panic bars you could be putting your business in jeopardy. This is because if lives are lost in your business, you may get sued and not be able to recover from the losses. 

You really don’t have to take this chance since you can purchase them and have them installed for as little as $100. In fact, there is no need to break-the-bank in order to have it installed. However, you have to start somewhere so why not just contact a locksmith to start getting quotes for your panic bars. If you don’t think you can afford panic bars, ask yourself if you can afford not to have them. Make the best decision by considering how you would feel if you were trapped inside a business without a safe way out.

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